Thèse de M.A HAVYARIMANA Adrien

Revue Africaine de Recherche en Sinologie


Titre en Chinois




Titre en anglais:


The propagation and acceptance of Jia Zhangke's films in France


Nom et Prénom de l’Auteur :



Nom de l’Auteur  en Chinois:



Affiliation de l’Auteur :


Institut Confucius de l’Université du Burundi

Centre Burundais de Recherche en Sinologie


Résumé du mémoir en Chinois :




    贾樟柯是一位享誉世界的中国电影导演,其作品在国际电影节上屡获大奖,成为外国观众认识和了解中国社会文化与电影艺术的一扇重要窗口。法国是贾樟柯电影受到大范围关注的第一个西方国家。1999 年,贾樟柯电影作品首次在法国发行放映,并逐渐融入法国本土的电影市场,成为最受法国观众及影评人喜爱的中国电影导演之一。其作品在法国的传播和接受历程显示了中国电影艺术的国际化进程与影响力,也是中法文化交流中的重要一环。因此从法国影界一手资料出发,结合贾樟柯电影在法国的真实放映与传播现状,梳理廓清贾樟柯电影二十余年来在法国的展映批评的演进历程具有重要的学术价值。针对这一研究诉求,首先梳理贾樟柯电影在法国的发行制作来分析其作品进入法国电影市场的运营状况,呈现贾樟柯作品在法国的市场影响力,其次分析贾樟柯电影在法国的媒介传播与观众认同及其原因,最后梳理法国学界与影评界对贾樟柯从早期到近期电影创作的研究,分析其作品在法国的艺术接受过程及贾樟柯创作不足。这不仅可以呈现中国第六代导演的电影作品在西方社会的接受原貌及其内外缘由,还可以通过贾樟柯电影在法国传播得正负面效应,对当下中国电影的海外发行传播提供一定的理论指导与实践借鉴。


[关 词]:贾樟柯电影;法国 ;传播 ;接受


Résumé du m émoire en Anglais:




    Jiazhangke is a world renowned Chinese film director whose workshavewon numerous awards at international film festivals and have becomeanimportant window for foreign audiences to understand Chinese society, cultureand Film Art. France was the first Western country where Jiazhanke's filmsreceived wide attention. In 1997, Jia Zhangke's films were first releasedinFrance and gradually integrated into the local film market, becomingoneof themost popular Chinese film directors among French audiences and critics. Thespread and acceptance of his works in France shows the internationalizationandinfluence of Chinese Film Art, and is also an important link in sino-frenchcultural exchange. Therefore, starting from the first-hand informationof theFrench film industry, through the research methods of quantificationandtextstudy, and combining with the reality of Jia Zhangke's films showingandspreading in France, it is of great academic value to clarify the evolutionof JiaZhangke's film criticism in France over the past twenty years. In viewof thisresearch demand, first combing the distribution and production of Jia Zhangke'sfilms in France to analyze the operation of his works entering the Frenchfilmmarket, presenting the market influence of Jia Zhangke's works inFrance, secondly, it analyzes the media communication of Jia Zhangke's films inFrance. Finally, it combs the studies of Jia Zhangke's film creation fromthe earlystageto the recent stage by French scholars and film critics, analysis of his workinFrance, the process of artistic acceptance and Jia Zhangke's artisticachievements. This can not only show the acceptance of the films of thesixthgeneration of Chinese directors in the Western society, but alsoshowthepositive and negative effects of Jia Zhangke's films in France, it providessometheoretical guidance and practical reference for the overseas distributionanddissemination of Chinese films.


KEY WORDSJia Zhangke's films;France ;Propagation ;Acceptance



Citations recommandées:


HAVYARIMANA ADRIEN (卫青). 贾樟柯电影在法国的传播与接受[D].锦州.渤海大学,2021.


HAVYARIMANA ADRIEN (卫青). The propagation and acceptance of Jia Zhangke's films in France  [D]. Jinzhou:Bohai University,2021(in Chinese)



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