Thèse de M.A.Ir MFITIYE Férdinand n2

Revue Africaine de Recherche en Sinologie



Titre en chinois:




Titre en anglais:


Survey and Research About Burundi University Confucius Institute Chinese Language Teaching Situation Based on the Perspective of Local Teachers



Nom et Prénom de l’Auteur:



Nom de l’Auteur en Chinois:




Affiliation de l’Auteur :

Institut Confucius de l’Université du Burundi

Centre Burundais de Recherche en Sinologie


Résumé en Chinois:




    长期以来,汉语没有得到国际社会的普遍认可,汉语国际教学进程比较缓慢,尤其是非洲国家。随着这几年的发展,孔子学院、教师和汉语学习者的数量都不断增加,但对孔子学院的研究却相对较少。论文先对非洲布隆迪孔子学院汉语传播和文化传播概况进行了详细介绍,在教育传播理论和资源基础理论的基础之上,采用了问卷调查法、访谈调查法、观察法和统计分析法,对布隆迪大学孔子学院的老师和学生进行问卷调查和访谈,并对问卷和访谈结果进行了说明分析。以此对布隆迪大学孔子学院汉语教学中存在的问题进行分析,这些问题主要包括五个方面:学生,教师,教材,教学方面的,教学设施和文化活动组织等。针对这些问题,我们提出了孔院可持续发展的策略:建立经费保障机制,创造良好办学条件,创新管理制度,提升管理水平,出版特色教材和重视师资培养。论文最后给出了对布隆迪大学孔子学院汉语教学的四点建议:(1)对学生管理的建议: 培养学生学习汉语的兴趣,进行归国留学生管理制度的创新,增加奖学金生的名额,建立合适的课程,选择合适教学的时间等。(2)对教师教学的建议:增加汉语教学师资的数量,加强教师的教学和跨文化交际培训,扩张志愿者任教的期间等。(3)对教材普及度及编写的建议:提高教材的普及度及实用性,体现对外汉语教学的性质和特点,增加教材的数量等。(4) 对课堂汉语教学的建议:使用多种汉字教学的技巧,强调笔画、笔顺和偏旁的教学,帮助学生分清书面语与口语,扩展词汇量,丰富语法内容要,多解释语法规律和应用等。希望所提出的策略和建议能够为布隆迪大学孔子学院的发展与汉语教学提供显著的帮助。


关键词: 布隆迪大学孔子学院;汉语教学;调查研究


Résumé en Anglais:




    For a long time, Chinese language was not universally recognized by the international communities. The international teaching process of Chinese language was relatively slow, especially in African countries. With the development in recent years, the number of Confucius institutes, teachers and Chinese learners has been increasing. However, the researches on Confucius institutes are relatively few. This paper first gives a detailed introduction of Burundi Confucius Institute Chinese language teaching situation. Basing on educational communication theory and resource based theory, a questionnaire and interview survey, observation and statistical analysis are used to investigate the teachers and students of Burundi University Confucius Institute. After the survey results analysis, Burundi University Confucius Institute Chinese language teaching problems are also analyzed, and we found that the problems are mainly in five aspects: students, teachers, teaching materials, teaching, teaching facilities and cultural activities problems. Aiming at these problems, we put forward the strategies for sustainable development of Confucius Institute: establish funding guarantee mechanism, create good conditions for running schools, innovate management system, improve management standard, put out characteristic textbooks and emphasize teachers training. The last part of this paper puts forward four suggestions for Burundi Confucius Institute Chinese Language teaching: (1) Suggestions for student management: cultivate students' interest in learning Chinese, make innovations of returned students management system, increase the quota of scholarship students, establish appropriate courses and choose appropriate teaching time. (2) Suggestions for teachers: increase the number of teachers, strengthen teachers' teaching training and cross-cultural communication training, and expand volunteer teachers teaching period. (3) The popularization of teaching materials and textbooks writing suggestions: improve the popularity and practicality of the teaching materials, reflect the nature and characteristics of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and increase the number of teaching materials. (4) Suggestions for classroom Chinese Teaching: using the techniques of many Chinese characters teaching, emphasize on Chinese characters stroke teaching, help students to distinguish written and spoken language, expand vocabulary, enrich grammatical content, and explain the law and application of multiple interpretations. Hope that the proposed strategies and suggestions can provide significant help for the development of Burundi University Confucius Institute Chinese Language teaching.


Key wordsBurundi University Confucius Institute; Chinese Language Teaching;  

           Investigation and Analysis


Citation recommandée:


弗迪南. 基于本土教师视角的非洲布隆迪大学孔子学院汉语教学现状调查研究[D]. 渤海大学,2018.




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