Thèse de M.A NTAKARUTIMANA Fabrice

Revue Africaine de Recherche en Sinologie


Titre en Chinois


布隆迪大学孔子学院本土汉语教师与中国汉  语教师教学情况调查与对比研究


Titre en anglais:


A Survey and Contrastive Research on The Teaching Situation of Local Chinese Language Teachers and Chinese Language Teachers from China in Burundi University’s  Confucius Institute


Nom et Prénom de l’Auteur :


Nom de l’Auteur  en Chinois:



Affiliation de l’Auteur :

Institut Confucius de l’Université du Burundi

Centre Burundais de Recherche en Sinologie


Résumé du mémoir en Chinois :




    随着中国在世界范围内的崛起,作为汉语教学逐渐向国际汉语教学转变。目前似乎 世界上的各个国家都在范围内开设汉语课程,并且很多人把汉语作为最想学习的第二语 言。因此,正在关注着其教学的人也颇多。以其教学方法、环境以及对象的复杂性与多 样性,汉语教学的迅猛发展与其教学形象正在受到一个新的方向的影响——即中国和本 土教师进行教学,前者为中国人、汉语母语者,后者为非中国人、汉语非母语者,因此, 汉语逐渐改变着人们长期以来对它难度的认识。究竟两个群体教师给学生带来了什么不 同学习经验,他们有哪些不同和相同之处?学生如何看待他们不同身份和影响学生精神 风尚的能力?该将如何真正地进行教学以改善他们的汉语教育的现状与质量,使汉语教 学更有效等不让人坐视不理的问题会出现有其是站在学生的视角去想。但是虽然如此, 很少有人去探讨研究了解这些问题,导致相关的研究相当薄弱。针对上述疑问,本人在 《汉语教学理论》和国家汉办制定的《国际汉语教师标准》基础之上探讨布隆迪大学孔 子学院本土和中国汉语教师的教学情况,通过调查发现,与中国同行相比,本土教师使 用大量媒介语,在语言知识与技能分类上,本土教师更偏向于语言知识的讲解,而中国 教师更喜欢语言技能内容的讲解。中国教师的课堂纪律优于本土教师,本土教师的课堂 管理有点松散,中国教师以“陈述行为”为主要教学行为,但本土教师主要以“倾听行 为”为主,但两个群体教师的教学准备资源短缺,他们对外汉语教学中的文化因素都很 少。本人建议调整媒介语使用频率和比率,与学生沟通灵活使用语言,加强文化教学, 开始本土与中国教师的合作,取长补短,以促进布隆迪的汉语教学。




Résumé du memoir en Anglais:




With the rise of China in the world, the teaching of Chinese has gradually changed to International Chinese Language Teaching. At present, nearly every country in the world offers Chinese courses within the scope, and many people regard Chinese as the second language they most want to learn. Hence, many people are paying attention to its teaching. With the complexity and diversity of its teaching methods, environment, and objects, the rapid development of Chinese teaching and its image are being affected by a new direction—that is, teaching by Chinese and local teachers, the former being a Chinese; native-Chinese speaker, the latter being non-Chinese; non-native Chinese speaker. Therefore, Chinese is changing people's perception of its difficulty for a long time. What different learning experiences are brought to students? What are their differences and similarities?How do students perceive their different identities and their ability to influence students' spirituality? How should they really teach in order to improve the status and quality of their Chinese education to make Chinese teaching more effective, and other issues that do not allow people to sit idly appear especially when thinking from the perspective of students. But, despite this, few people go to study and understand these issues, leading to relative research to be quite weak. In response to the above questions, I investigated the teaching situation of local and Chinese teachers in Confucius Institute of Burundi University based on International Chinese Language Teacher Standards formulated by Hanban and Chinese Language Teaching Theory and found that; in contrast to their Chinese counterparts, local teachers use a lot of medium language. In terms of language knowledge and skills classification, local teachers are more inclined to explain language knowledge, while Chinese teachers prefer to explain language skills content. The classroom discipline of Chinese teachers is better than that of local teachers. The classroom management of local teachers is a bit loose. Chinese teachers use "presentation behavior" as their main teaching behavior, but local teachers mainly focus on "listening behavior", there is resources shortage in the teaching preparation of two groups of teachers, both teachers have few cultural factors in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. I suggest to adjust the frequency and ratio of medium language use, when communicating with students use language flexibly, strengthen cultural teaching, start cooperation between the local and Chinese teachers to learn from each other, so as to promote Chinese teaching in Burundi.


KEY WORDS: Chinese language teaching; Local and Chinese teachers from China; Burundi University Confucius Institute; Teaching situation; Comparative research



Citations recommandées:


Ntakarutimana Fabrice(文硕). 布隆迪大学孔子学院本土汉语教师与中国汉语教师教学情况调查与对比研究[D].锦州:渤海大学,2021.


Ntakarutimana Fabrice(Wen Shuo). A Survey and Contrastive Research on The Teaching Situation of Local Chinese Language Teachers and Chinese Language Teachers from China in Burundi University’s Confucius Institute[D]. Jinzhou:Bohai University,2021(in Chinese)



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